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ISIS Kharijites Execute One of their Sharia Judges: Hazimi Haddadis and Takfiri Implosion
Takfiri Implosion and Chaos Amongst the Kharijites The following news article ([[url>https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/news/middle-east/17435-isis-execut ...
Saturday, March 14 2015 - by Admin

The Kharijites Do Not Always Make Takfir On Account of Every Major Sin!
What follows is a refutation of a doubt used to defend the Kharijites, those who do not declare Muslims to be disbelievers on account of major sins such as ...
Wednesday, August 27 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh al-Fawzaan: Applying the Label of 'Kharijite' to Those Involved in Bombings and Who Resemble the Baatiniyyah and Secret Orders
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked: Is it correct to apply the label of "Kharijites" to those who do bombings in our country. And who shall we respond to ...
Tuesday, July 29 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

A Lesson from History: The Kharijite Who Engineered the Slaughter of Sunni Scholars at the Hands of the Ubaydi Baatini Shi'ah
The Khārijite Who Incited Ahl al-Sunnah To Rebel Against the ʿUbaydi Shīʿah and Then Engineered Their Slaughtering ((img>tarteeb-madaarik.png ...
Sunday, July 13 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 6: Abu Waleed Shahid Janjua Redefines Takyeef and Tafweed
Takfiri Retard Feigning Salafiyyah Redefines Takyeef and Tafweed Whilst Attempting to Explain Tawhid of the Names and Attributes These former Tahriris and followers ...
Saturday, July 12 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin: Those Who Have Given Bay'ah to al-Baghdadi (ISIS) Haven Given Bay'ah to a Shaytan (Devil)
The following was posted by one of Shaykh Abdul-Mushin al-Abbaad's sons on Twitter: I mentioned to ...
Monday, July 07 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Takfiris on Steroids (3): Saudi Member of Jabhah al-Nusrah Executes Two Saudis From ISIS (Daish)
Hordes of deceived youth have travelled and are travelling to Iraq and Syria under the lure of fighting against the Nusayriyyah and being from the alleged "khilafah", ...
Friday, July 04 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Takfiris on Steroids (2): The Alleged 'Jihad' of 'The Dogs of Hellfire' - ISIS and al-Nusrah in Iraq and Syria
In , the killing of a regional al-Nusrah leader by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), was documented. Accordi ...
Thursday, July 03 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Takfiris on Steroids (1): ISIS Declares Regional Leader of Rival Faction (al-Nusrah) an Apostate and Kills Him
In the video below it is revealed that ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Sham) declared apostate and killed a regional leader of al-Nusrah (Abu Sa'd al-Hadrami) ...
Sunday, June 22 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 5: Abu Waleed Rewrites the Doctrine of al-Qadar in 30 Seconds Flat
Disclaimer Before we continue it is important to make the following disclaimer: There often arise unique situations in which we are forced to address specific ...
Sunday, May 11 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 4: Abu Waleed, Salafiyyah and Stupid Thieves
The Similarity Between Dumb Thieves Posting Pictures of Their Theft and Takfiri Retards Feigning Salafiyyah In the video below Abu Waleed (of the so-called "Salafi ...
Saturday, May 10 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 3: Abu Waleed and Falsehood Laughing at Truth
Takfiri Retard: And Falsehood Laughed (at Truth) In the video below Abu Waleed (of the so-called "Salafi Media UK" or "SMUK") mentions a statement he ascribes ...
Saturday, May 10 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 2: Abu Waleed and the Names of Allaah
Takfiri Retard: Allaah's Alleged Name "al-Haaliq" In the video below Abu Waleed (of the so-called "Salafi Media UK" or "SMUK") mentions what he believes to be ...
Friday, May 09 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 1: Abu Waleed and the Sunnah of the Anbiyaa
Takfiri Retard: "It is From the Sunnah of the Prophets To Be Ridiculed by the British Media" and Abu Hamza (Former Night-Club Bouncer Turned Takfiri Kharijite and ...
Thursday, May 08 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Imaam Ibn Baz on When a Land is a Land of Islam or a Land of Kufr
Imaam Ibn Baz was asked the question (): http://www.takfiris.com/takfir/assets/audio/bin-baz-land-of-islam.mp3 In relation to t ...
Tuesday, March 25 2014 - by Takfiris.Com

Takfiri Da'wah Thieves and Bandits: The Derby Da'wah Project
We have experienced over the past 15 or so years a pattern that seems to come only from Takfiris such as Hizb al-Tahrir, al-Muhajiroon, the Qutbis and their ...
Friday, January 10 2014 - by Admin

Shaykh al-Fawzan: Those Who Perform Terrorist Acts Are Worse Than the Kharijites of Old and Their Actions Resemble Those of the (Baatiniyyah) Qaraamitah
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked: فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله ...
Saturday, June 15 2013 - by Takfiris.Com

Usamah bin Laden is a Takfiri Kharijite And is Worse than the Kharijites of Old by Far
There are those who try to excuse Usamah bin Laden these days by using his express denial that he and those with him are from the Khawaarij and that they ...
Wednesday, June 12 2013 - by Takfiris.Com

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Takfiri Kharijites Upon the Manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen - Part 4: Loyalty and Inclination Towards the Innovators and People of Desires
Lashkar-e-Taiba and Allegiance With and Inclination Towards the Innovators The last stage of Laskhar-e-Taiba, as indicated in of this series, is that ...
Sunday, May 20 2012 - by Takfiris.Com

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Takfiri Kharijites Upon the Manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen - Part 3: Sayyid Qutb, Adnan Ar'oor and Tawhid al-Hakimiyyah
Following the Manhaj of Sayyid Qutb, Adnan Ar'oor and the Callers to Tawhid al-Hakimiyyah as a Route To Takfir We stated in earlier parts to this series that ...
Saturday, May 19 2012 - by Takfiris.Com

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Takfiri Kharijites Upon the Manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen - Part 2: Main Figureheads, Major Centres, and Main Objectives
The Main Figureheads and Publications of Laskhar-e-Taiba These are some of the most important of their leaders and figureheads: Hafidh Muhammad Sa'eed (founder ...
Thursday, May 17 2012 - by Takfiris.Com

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Takfiri Kharijites Upon the Manhaj of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen - Part 1: Origins, History and Evolution
Acquaintance with Lashkar-e-Taiba (Jamaa'at al-Da'wah) This is a Jihadi, Aqlani, Khariji sect which follows the way of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen but which conceals ...
Friday, May 11 2012 - by Takfiris.Com

The First of the Handholds of Islam to Be Broken is the Rule (al-Hukm) and the Last is the Prayer
The da'wah (call) of contemporary movements of takfir is founded upon a premise that was first written about by Sayyid Qutb, and this premise is that all Muslim ...
Monday, December 05 2011 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on Tabdeel and Shar' Mubaddal - Part 1
Introduction In previous articles, we addressed one of the major doubts of the Takfiris (Qutbiyyah, Kharijiyyah Asriyyah) in using many statements of Shaykh ...
Wednesday, January 26 2011 - by Takfiris.Com

Jewish Converts to Islam Promoting Leninism and Anti-Semitism
Please refer to that discusses the role of converts in the Leninist Takfiri movement that arose out of Sayyid Qutb's fusion of Islam with Wester ...
Wednesday, March 03 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Invalidating Takfiri Doubts: Part 1 - Concerning al-Iltizaam (الإلتزام) and al-Imtinaa' (الإمتناع) - Part 2 of 2
This is the second part of this article, please make sure you read that lays down the background for this article. Rec ...
Thursday, February 11 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Invalidating Takfiri Doubts: Part 1 - Concerning al-Iltizaam (الإلتزام) and al-Imtinaa' (الإمتناع) - Part 1 of 2
Concerning al-imtinaa' and al-Iltizaam Over the past 15 years we have seen the Qutbiyyah, the Takfiri Leninist Kharijites utilize much from the speech of Shaykh ...
Wednesday, February 10 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Sayyid Qutb And The French Connection: Alexis Carrel - The French Catholic, Social Darwinist Doctor That Influenced Qutb's 'Jaahiliyyah'
The twentieth century "Leninist" Takfiri Revolutionary movement was spawned through Qutb's anti-capitalist writings through the notions of "social justice", "state" ...
Thursday, February 04 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Abu Zubair Saleem Beg Defends, Promotes and Propagandizes for The Books Responsible For The Appearance and Revival of Sayyid Qutb's Deviant Doctrines of 'Jaahiliyyah', 'Jihad' and 'Takfir' in 21st Century Great Britain and United States
Who is Abu Zubair Saleem Beg? Abu Zubair Saleem Beg from Croydon, Surrey (United Kingdom) is from amongst the most active and ardent of the Qutbiyyah in the ...
Wednesday, February 03 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: Who Is Defined as a 'Haakim' (Ruler)?
Who is Defined as a Haakim (Ruler, Judge)? Allaah the Most High said: وَمَن لَّمْ ي¡ ...
Tuesday, February 02 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi Isaam Barqawi: A Glimpse at the Character of a Prominent Takfiri Leninist Revolutionary
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi Isaam Barqawi is a key figure in the 20th and 21st century Leninist Takfiri movement spawned by the later works of Sayyid Qutb in which ...
Saturday, January 30 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Anwar al-Awlaki's Fictitious Attachment to Salafiyyah
This is a great article published by regarding Anwar al-Awlaki's fictitious attachment to Salafiyyah: Anwar al-Awlaki: Fictitious Attac ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

The Cult of Omar Bakri Operating Within the United Kingdom Under Numerous Camouflages
Omar Bakri in the Early 1990s Omar Bakri is a well-known name in Britain due to the great exposure he has received in print media and national television, ...
Wednesday, January 27 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Summary of the Principles Concerning Takfir of a Specific Individual: Takfir al-Mu'ayyan
Distinguishing Between Declaring Sayings and Actions as Kufr and Declaring Specific Individuals as Kafirs Shaykh Muhammad Umar Bazmul, in his refutation of one ...
Tuesday, January 26 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Concerning Ali al-Timimi on the Rulers Who Rule by Secular Laws and the Qutbi Accusation of Irjaa' Against the Imaams of the Sunnah
Ali al-Timimi on the Rulers Who Rule By Secular Laws Ali al-Timimi said in response to a question pertaining to takfir of the contemporary rulers who rule by ...
Friday, January 08 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Between Shaykh Ibn Jibreen and the Leninist Takfiri Kharijites: Part 3 - Usamah bin Laden and Followers Make Takfir of the Muslims
Usamah bin Ladin and Followers Make Takfir of the Muslims It is important to note that while Shaykh Ibn Jibreen did not agree with the takfir and khurooj of ...
Thursday, January 07 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

The Leninist Revolutionary Manifesto of Sayyid Qutb
This article has been published in other places and it is being reproduced here, just for the record and due to its relevance to the subject matter of this website. ...
Thursday, January 07 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

The Role of Converts to Islam in the Leninist Takfiri Movement
Joseph Leonard Cohen Joseph Leonard Cohen is a Jewish convert to Islam. Through his online activities and website, he propagates t ...
Thursday, January 07 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan's Refutation of Salman al-Awdah's Generalized Mass Takfir of All the Muslims
On Wednesday, the 22nd of Safar, 1422, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) was asked the following question (regarding the saying of Salmaan al-Awdah): Eminent ...
Wednesday, January 06 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan on Salman al-Awdah's Saying 'The Absent Ummah': This Necessitates the Takfir of the Whole Ummah
In "al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah" (a collection of the fatwas of Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan on Manhaj), pages 88-89, 2nd edition: ما تقولون ...
Wednesday, January 06 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Between Shaykh Ibn Jibreen and the Leninist Takfiri Kharijites: Part 2 - Ibn Jibreen Calls Them 'The Kharijite, Terrorist, Dogs of Hellfire', Those Who Revolt Against the Rulers
Shaykh Ibn Jibreen on the Khawaarij (Revolters) In fatwa no 5876, with the title ( حكم الذين يكفرون ...
Monday, January 04 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Between Shaykh Ibn Jibreen and the Leninist Takfiri Kharijites: Part 1 - On Those Who Rule By Secular Laws
Shaykh Ibn Jibreen on What the Majority of the Rulers are Upon Today Shaykh Ibn Jibreen said (): It is known that al-kufr al-bawah (manifest, ...
Monday, January 04 2010 - by Takfiris.Com

Yusuf al-Qaradawi: The New 'Qutbi' Understanding of Tawheed
Yusuf al-Qardawi is one of the most prominent of the contemporary figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and he has written many times on the movements of takfir. ...
Thursday, December 31 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Sayyid Qutb: All Muslims Are Apostates (Kuffaar, Mushrikeen) Except Those Who Agree With My Ideology and Join My Group
Yusuf al-Qardawi is one of the most prominent of the contemporary figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and he has written many times on the movements of takfir. ...
Thursday, December 31 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Sayyid Qutb Makes it Explicitly Clear That All Muslims Today Are Disbelievers
Yusuf al-Qardawi is one of the most prominent of the contemporary figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and he has written many times on the movements of takfir. ...
Thursday, December 31 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Salaah as-Saawee (A Qutbi Theoretician) on the Qutbiyyoon and the Basis of Their Teachings
Here's a little reminder from Salaah as-Saawee, one of the ideologists of the Qutbiyyah today, and who has many works laying down the methodologies for these people. ...
Wednesday, December 30 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Ali al-Timimi on the Emergence of Takfiri Leninism in 1965 Egypt and The Obligation to Warn From Its Evil
Ali al-Timimi on Takfiri Leninism in 1965 Egypt (Arising From the Books and Doctrines of Sayyid Qutb al-Ash'ari) Here is Ali al-Timimi speaking about the revolutionary ...
Wednesday, December 30 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (Former Murshid of Ikhwaan): The Emergence of the Doctrines of Jaahliyyah, Haakimiyyah and Takfir of All Societies
Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (one of the former Murshids of Ikhwaan) said in (الإخوان المسلمون ...
Wednesday, December 30 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Groups Known as 'the Qutbiyyoon' Found in Various Places Harboring the Doctrines of Takfir Found in az-Zilaal
Yusuf al-Qardawi is one of the most prominent of the contemporary figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and he has written many times on the movements of takfir. ...
Wednesday, December 30 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

Ali al-Timimi on the Saudi Government Being an Islamic Government and How To Rectify Oppression and Tyranny
Ali al-Timimi on the Saudi Government, Tyranny, and Means of Rectification of the Rulers In this audio recording from prior to the mid 90s, Ali al-Timimi is ...
Wednesday, December 30 2009 - by Takfiris.Com

The Revival of the Deen of the Khawaarij in the 20th Century (11)
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ISIS Kharijites Execute One of their Sharia Judges: Hazimi Haddadis and Takfiri Implosion
The Kharijites Do Not Always Make Takfir On Account of Every Major Sin!
Shaykh al-Fawzaan: Applying the Label of 'Kharijite' to Those Involved in Bombings and Who Resemble the Baatiniyyah and Secret Orders
A Lesson from History: The Kharijite Who Engineered the Slaughter of Sunni Scholars at the Hands of the Ubaydi Baatini Shi'ah
The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 6: Abu Waleed Shahid Janjua Redefines Takyeef and Tafweed
Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin: Those Who Have Given Bay'ah to al-Baghdadi (ISIS) Haven Given Bay'ah to a Shaytan (Devil)
Takfiris on Steroids (3): Saudi Member of Jabhah al-Nusrah Executes Two Saudis From ISIS (Daish)
Takfiris on Steroids (2): The Alleged 'Jihad' of 'The Dogs of Hellfire' - ISIS and al-Nusrah in Iraq and Syria
Takfiris on Steroids (1): ISIS Declares Regional Leader of Rival Faction (al-Nusrah) an Apostate and Kills Him
The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 5: Abu Waleed Rewrites the Doctrine of al-Qadar in 30 Seconds Flat
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ISIS Kharijites Execute One of their Sharia Judges: Hazimi Haddadis and Takfiri Implosion
Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin: Those Who Have Given Bay'ah to al-Baghdadi (ISIS) Haven Given Bay'ah to a Shaytan (Devil)
Takfiris on Steroids (1): ISIS Declares Regional Leader of Rival Faction (al-Nusrah) an Apostate and Kills Him
Hadeeth: The Kharijites Will Continue to Appear And Be Cut Off Each Time Until The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) Appears Amongst Their Latter-Day Remnants
Takfiris on Steroids (3): Saudi Member of Jabhah al-Nusrah Executes Two Saudis From ISIS (Daish)
The Leninist Revolutionary Manifesto of Sayyid Qutb
Takfiris on Steroids (2): The Alleged 'Jihad' of 'The Dogs of Hellfire' - ISIS and al-Nusrah in Iraq and Syria
Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Sayyid Qutb: All Muslims Are Apostates (Kuffaar, Mushrikeen) Except Those Who Agree With My Ideology and Join My Group
Shaykh al-Fawzaan: Applying the Label of 'Kharijite' to Those Involved in Bombings and Who Resemble the Baatiniyyah and Secret Orders
The Takfiri Retard Series: Part 5: Abu Waleed Rewrites the Doctrine of al-Qadar in 30 Seconds Flat

abdullah al-faisal abdullah el-faisal absent ummah abu az-zubair al-azzami abu muhammad al-maqdisi abu waleed abu zubair saleem beg adam gadahn adam pearlman alexis carrel al-ghurabaa al-hukm ali al-timimi ali at-timimi ali juraisha al-maghrawi al-muhajiroon al-muhajirun al-nusrah anti-semitism anwar al-awlaki baatiniyyah barbarism bin laden bin ladin dajjaal dajjal dumb takfiris fake salafis fareed abdul-khaliq fawzan ghulaat al-murji'ah gulf war haakim haakimiyyah hafiz muhammad sa'eed hizb ut-tahrir hukkaam ibn jibreen ibn jibrin innovated jihaad isaam barqawi isis islamic awakening istibdaal jaahiliyyah jahiliyyah joseph cohen kharijites khawarij khurooj kufr bawah lashkar-e-taiba laskhar-e-taiba leninism leninist takfiris mental retard mubaddal muhammad al-maghrawi omar bakri qawaaneen qutb qutbis qutbiyyah rebellion revolt revolutionary vanguard safar al-hawali sahwah salaah as-saawee salah as-sawi saleem beg saleem begg salman al-awdah salman awan saudi arabia saudi government sayyid qutb secular laws secularism sinful rulers suicide bombings tabdeel takfeer takfir takfir al-mu'ayyan takfir bil-ayn takfir of actions takfir of individuals takfir of sayings takfir ul-fi'l takfir ul-qawl takfiri movements takfiris tyrannical rulers usama bin laden usama bin ladin usamah bin laden vladimir lenin yusuf al-qaradawi yusuf khattab

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